Supplements for increasing motivation
While there is no magic pill that can instantly give you motivation to do whatever task you want to, there are some supplements that can increase energy and focus and in turn help increase motivation. Most of us don't have the motivation to accomplish something simply because we lack the energy or focus. Here are some supplements that can increase motivation:
- [b]Cordyceps[/b]
Cordyceps is a fungus that infects several species in the animal kingdom and kills them by utilizing their resources to grow and eventually fruit out or burst from the infected species' body. Cordyceps contains a lot of nutrients and compounds that have been shown to:
[]Reduce aging
[]Increase dopamine production by increase tyrosine hydroxylase
[]Decrease dopamine breakdown by normalizing MAO-B levels
[]Increase energy
[]Increase focus
[]Improve ATP energy production
[]Improve athletic performance
[]Modulate the immune system
[/list]The key thing that Cordyceps does is increase tyrosine hyrdoxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme that produces dopamine in the brain, and also decrease or normalize MAO-B levels. MAO-B is short for monoamine oxidase type B. This enzyme breaks down dopamine and renders it useless. It also breaks down phenylethylamine (PEA) a natural stimulant in the brain. PEA acts like amphetamine by releasing dopamine and noradrenaline but MAO-B quickly breaks it down and renders it inactive. As we age MAO-B levels increase and as a result dopaminergic activity is greatly reduced. Cordyceps can reverse this and even increase dopamine levels above our baseline states.
I've used the Dr's Best Cordyceps brand and found it very useful in increasing energy, focus, and motivation.
- [b]Rhodiola Rosea[/b]
This herb grows in harsh environmental conditions and so it has to produce compounds that protect it from stress. These compounds act as adaptogens and help the herb adapt to the environment. Many of us lead stressful lives and barely have time to relax. This is not good as chronic stress has been shown to cause depression, fatigue, anxiety, heart disease, and a whole list of other undesirable things.
Unfortunately, we cannot just stop living our lives because that's not practical. Just having a job can lead to chronic stress for some people. This is why it's important to take adaptogens. Adaptogens will help the body deal with the chronic stress and help it adapt to a new baseline of stress. Rhodiola is perfect for this. What's more is Rhodiola has been shown to:
[]Increase lifespan in flies
[]Decrease stress response
[]Increase dopamine levels in the brain (important)
[]Increase serotonin levels in the brain
[]Increase energy
[]Improve mood
[]Increase focus
[]Decrease anxiety